Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović visits art exhibition “Lubarda – One Story“ at Central Military Club

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has visited the exhibition of the famous artist Petar Lubarda’s work mounted at the Central Military Club. The exhibition entitled "Lubarda - One Story" presents 29 paintings by the legendary artist, as well as rich archival material on the artist’s life and work.  Jelena Knežević, a curator at Media Centre “Odbrana”, presented a chronology of one part of Lubarda's work from the period before and after the Second World War, and the Minister was particularly drawn to Lubarda's artworks from the interwar figural period belonging to the Central Military Club’s Art Collection.

The exhibition has been organized as a result of cooperation between Media Centre "Odbrana"(Public Relations Department, MoD) the Heritage House and the Museum of Yugoslavia.

The exhibition will be open until February 5, 2022.

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The visit