Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović hands over decisions on permanent employment, Military Technical Institute gets 41 new employees

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, has handed over the decisions on permanent employment with the Military Technical Institute to 41 new employees at today's ceremony at the Central Military Club in Belgrade. He said he was proud of the young people who would use their knowledge to strengthen our armed forces and our homeland - Serbia. Minister Stefanović wished the new personnel a warm welcome and said that ceremonies like this have a special meaning for him personally, and for everyone in the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
- We have witnessed people leaving our system for years, because we could not provide them with better salaries, or the opportunity to make progress and create a better future for themselves. That is why these events have a special significance today. It is a special honour to work for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, not only because of their strong tradition, but because these are the institutions that have the greatest trust of the citizens - said Minister Stefanović.

He is particularly glad that a large number of new employees are the recipients of scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Defence.

-  I am also proud that you will be able to see through your work how much progress we have made, how much equipment we have managed to provide for our armed forces, equipment produced by domestic industry and intelligence. It is much easier today, when there is money, and now it is your turn to prove through your work that we have made the right choice, and by working together we will bring further progress to our Serbia and our armed forces - said Minister Stefanović.
Minister Stefanović expressed his satisfaction with the fact that the newly employed young experts have graduated from the faculties of mechanical, technical and electrical engineering.

- At the moment we are developing our own unmanned aerial vehicle, not all its components, of course, but we are slowly conquering one by one, we are developing equipment that few countries in the world can develop on their own, even when they purchase some of the components. In the Military Technical Institute and in our factories, I have seen systems like "Little Miloš", which is no longer so “little”, it has grown quite a bit and is now fitted with a 12.7 machine gun and two 90 mm anti-tank missiles, but what is characteristic is that today, Serbia is the only country in our region that can make an unmanned vehicle. And my request to you is - never conform to stereotypes. Feel free to think ahead, because things will change dramatically over the next 20 years in every sense, drones will become our daily routine, and who knows what comes next. When I say “who knows”, I mean you will know, because you are the ones who need to tell us what is next, you are the ones who will come up with new designs that will help our armed forces - said Minister Stefanović, addressing the new employees of the Military Technical Institute.

In the end, he welcomed them once again.  - My heart is filled with joy, trust me, this is not just a phrase. We feel great happiness when we see how many young, capable, professional and experienced people join our ranks - concluded Minister Stefanović.

As of today, the Military Technical Institute has 41 new employees, 28 selected for permanent employment through open competition and 13 through scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Defence. They have been offered permanent contracts after obtaining bachelor and master's degrees from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Kragujevac, Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade.

Before getting a job at the Military Technical Institute, Nina Mitričević from Novi Sad was awarded a scholarship by the Ministry of Defence. She says that the scholarship she received offers a great opportunity for employment after her studies and further professional development.

- I graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Mechatronics. I was offered a job at the Military Technical Institute as a scholarship holder. I have been given the opportunity to work on the automatic control system and I think it's a great opportunity, because it's my field of expertise. Also, I think I will learn a lot and make progress - said Mitričević.
One of the new employees is Aleksandar Ćitić, who holds a master’s degree in metallurgical engineering. He will be working in the Military Technical Institute’s sector for development and adoption of new metal materials.

- I got a job at the Military Technical Institute through open competition launched in May this year. It means a lot to me because I am currently studying for a PhD and I will have the opportunity to improve my skills, to do my doctoral thesis at the Institute. I would like to thank the Ministry of Defence for the opportunity. It means a lot to me because of my personal development, future career and because of my affinity for development and research - said Ćitić.

Strahinja Stojković says that the opportunity to work in an institution such as the Military Technical Institute is very important to him as a twenty-one-year-old.

- I am grateful for this opportunity because it is very difficult for a young person to find a job in their field of expertise and for which they are qualified. I expect to learn something new, to improve and to progress - Stojković pointed out.
mp4 (158,82 MB)
Handing over decisions on permanent employment
mp4 (257,96 MB)
Minister Stefanovic's address
mp4 (49,04 MB)
Nina Mitricevic's statement
mp4 (58,77 MB)
Aleksandar Citic's statement
mp4 (52,53 MB)
Strahinja Stojkovic's statement