Minister Stefanović about Media-Political Campaign Led against him
Statement of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović:
“Media-Political Campaign led against me over the last several months acquired a new dimension today, when its target became even my dead father. I would not have been surprised if it had come from those who attacked him while he was alive, but now they are joined by the media which claim that they are different from those working for Đilas and that they advocate for a Serbia that is different to the one we inherited in 2012.
The attacks to which I am exposed are so senseless and inarticulate that it is tragicomic to listen to what various people say every day. These are the people who cannot remember what they attacked me for the day before, so that the following day, they crank out diametric thesis. It is clear to me that the reason for the attack is not important to them, because the only important thing is to mention my name in a negative sense, along with the name of my late father. It is particularly obscure that now, in media, as part of this campaign, even astrologists state their opinion about me, and I expect that not before long even foretellers and charlatans will be consulted too.
Every day I am a US spy, it is only unclear if I was recruited at public meetings by the CIA, DEA or FBI, though, this year, I was granted by both the BIA and other security services a security clearance for the access to secrets of the highest classification level. With this act, the security services of our country guarantee that, in line with their knowledge, I do not have illegal contacts with foreigners or criminals, but I suppose that certain analysts know more and know better than the state of Serbia.
The next day, when I am not predominantly the US spy, I am accused of supposedly having framed Koluvija to accuse Andrej Vučić of being the owner of Koluvija’s drug farm, though it was I who came out the first with verified information, together with police officers who had worked on this case, that neither Andrej or Aleksandar Vučić had anything to do with Koluvija, or Jovanjica. Moreover, I unequivocally offered to be questioned immediately about that case and to be subjected to polygraph testing, but I have received no order by the prosecutor.
It is difficult for me to even talk about the sick absurd of being accused of being in contact with Veljko Belivuk by the very people who met him daily, conducted business with him and apparently disclosed secrets for the purpose of his protection. I have never had the Sky application on my telephone, nor have I communicated with Belivuk, or any member of his clan, indirectly or directly, nor have I in any way protected any member of mafia. Sadly, I cannot believe that people who disclosed information to Belivuk about police investigations in December 2020 are still free and that some of them are consulted in media to talk about the topics in respect to which they should be accused and indicted in legal proceedings.
It was on my proposal that Dijana Hrkalović was appointed as State Secretary in the Ministry of Interior, and it is perfectly clear and I have stated it publicly on several occasions. I have also given my proposals for the appointment of other officials in the Ministry that I led, which is something that a minister is authorised to do by law. Not to her or anyone else did I give mandate or order to break the law, especially to do something that would pose a threat to President Vučić. And for that as well, I am ready at any moment to be subjected to polygraph testing by responsible state bodies. It only takes for them to summon me.
I call vicious liars all those who implicate me in criminal affairs, illegal liaisons with foreign services and the attempts to execute a coup d’état. Moreover, I offer my full support to the state to interrogate Dijana Hrkalović and all the policemen, an all others who were involved in this case, and to inform the public as to who and in what exactly they participated, in order to find out the definite truth. Once again I underline that I am ready at any moment to be subjected to polygraph testing in relation to every allegation concerning these topics, so that I can refute all nonsense that I am accused of.
Although I have refuted all the lies countless times, and offered to be interrogated and subjected to polygraph testing so that it can be established that I am telling truth, lying about me continues every day, and it seems that it becomes more brutal and unscrupulous. This is why I am worried for the safety of my children as well. The satanization to which I am exposed, in no other but the largest-selling and most renowned media in Serbia, without being given an opportunity to retort on equal terms, most certainly affects my family. I am ready to answer for every mistake that I made, but I refuse to burden my shoulders and the shoulders of my children with someone else’s guilt. Because all of that, I will continue fighting for the truth every single day and, at least, in this manner protect my name and dignity.