Minister Stefanović: I call upon whole of Serbia to strongly condemn the shameful attacks against the president’s family
Statement of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD:
“The front page of the daily paper “Danas”, which is used by the opposition and various interest groups to settle the score with the son of President Aleksandar Vučić – so not with the president, but his child – is a shame and disgrace to which entire Serbia is being witness since this morning.
Drawing a target on the back of a child by spreading brutal lies, which are founded even on statements of convicts and which present perfidious and shameless constructions, are the new level of baseness that Đilas’s media have introduced into our country.
A normal person cannot but wonder – Where is the limit? Have all boundaries of decency been crossed in our Serbia, and if certain media have the right, without responsibility whatsoever, to present lies satanizing even someone’s children? How long will decent Serbia remain quiet at the creation of an atmosphere in the public in which everything is allowed, so now the targeting of political opponents and their families using dishonest means came to include their children as well?
The impotence, incapacity and despair of Đilas and various interest groups at not being able to defeat Aleksandar Vučić in elections and break the strong Serbia led by him, can be hidden no longer. I am sending them a message that they will by no means break Aleksandar Vučić, and that their actions have already said enough about themselves to the people.
I call upon whole of Serbia to strongly condemn these shameful attacks against the family of the president of our state, which are targeting the most important thing in a life of every man – the children.