Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff visited the Ground Safety Zone

Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Miloje Miletic, accompanied by the Land Forces Commander, Lieutenant General Ljubiša Dikovic and other associates, visited the “1300 Corporals” barracks in Vranje and the “Cvore” base in the Ground Safety Zone.

After the report by the Land Forces Commander on the security situation in the Ground Safety Zone, the talks with commanders and leaders of the units and his personal observation, General Miletic stated that the situation in the Ground Safety Zone was peaceful and stable, but delicate at the same time, "It has been shown that even the slightest unintentional incident within the Ground Safety Zone can create considerable anxiety within the population living along the administrative line with Kosovo. There is the need for all the authorities operating within the Ground Safety Zone to show maximum responsibility in accomplishing their tasks while adhering to the prescribed procedures in any situation.“

The Chief of General Staff pointed out that the local authorities also should bear a particular responsibility in that matter working a lot harder on building trust within the population. “Members of the Serbian Armed Forces assigned to the Ground Safety Zone adhere to the prescribed rules and procedures and do not go beyond their constitutionally and legally established mandate”, General Miletic stated.

“The actions of the military forces in the area of southern Serbia are not affecting in any way the political, economic, social, cultural and sporting life, or limiting the rights and freedoms of the citizens. It clearly leads to a conclusion that one cannot speak about the militarization of this area”, SAF Chief of General Staff emphasized.

General Miletic also mentioned the recent events in the village of Rasevac, in the municipality of Kuršumlija. He emphasized that there was no threat to the lives of the villagers and that the investigation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs will show what exactly happened there.

The SAF Chief of General Staff said in the “Cvore” base that a competition has been announced for the admission of 4500 professional soldiers, which should become part of the Serbian Armed Forces during this year. “A conversation with the professional soldiers has also assured us that they are satisfied with their life in the units of the Serbian Armed Forces and that they have no doubts about their choice of the right vocation”, General Miletic said.

“I wish to inform young people who wish to apply to the contest that the Serbian Armed Forces modified the legal, normative and other regulations in the last two years, approximating the Serbian Armed Forces with the standards of a professional military. Thus, the age limit for the professional soldiers has shifted from 40 to 50 years, and the professional soldiers will be selected for the non-commissioned officers of the Serbian Armed Forces. Almost 50 percent of the professional soldiers will have an opportunity to receive professional training, gain a non-commissioned rank and thus be promoted. On the other hand, they are to expect hard work and great responsibility”, General Miletic said.