Minister Stefanović for TV Prva: We will continue to strengthen our armed forces
On Wednesday, a large display of weapons and military equipment will be held at Ušće
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, who was a guest on TV Prva today, announced that a display of weapons and military equipment will be held on Wednesday, September 15, at Belgrade's Ušće on the occasion of the Serbian Unity, Freedom and National Flag Day.
- You know it is a new holiday. By order of President Vučić, the Serbian Armed Forces, as part of the defence system, will show our people what they have at Belgrade's Ušće, in a display opening at 8 am. I invite all citizens to come. It will be a great display of weapons that will last all day. You will be able to see our modernized tanks, our artillery, our "Nora", "Lazar", and "Miloš" systems, complex combat systems, helicopters, "Pantsirs". Everything that the Serbian Armed Forces use successfully today - said Minister Stefanović.
The Minister of Defence referred to the period prior to 2011 when the armed forces were in a poor state and our aviation was unable to use a single plane in case of emergency.
- What did our armed forces have in 2010 and 2011, 10 years ago? How many planes could they use at that time? There were days when they couldn't use a single one. When you talk to people in the military, to generals, they say it was a disgrace to our military. There were days when all the aircraft were faulty. We had one or two planes, or none, at times. Today, we have 14 MiG-29 aircraft - Minister Stefanović emphasized.
Thanks to modernization, the vehicles and equipment used by the Serbian Armed Forces today have better performance, better features and provide better protection to service members.
- When we talk about the M-84 tank that we are modernizing, repairing and improving to highest standards, the modular “Oganj” multiple rocket launcher system, "Nora", armoured combat vehicles, these are not the same tanks, artillery systems and vehicles they were 10 or 15 years ago. Today, they are fitted with the most modern optoelectronic systems. A couple of months ago, you could see for the first time in our history, that we are fully capable of night combat, that artillery, tanks and infantry are able to see both during the day and at night - noted Minister Stefanović.
Arming the Serbian Armed Forces should not be viewed as preparing for war, the Minister of Defence explains, but as a deterrent against all those who event think of endangering Serbia and its citizens in any way.
- Serbia is not demonstrating anything to anyone by strengthening its armed forces. We do not want anything from others, nor do we want to harm any country in the region. We do not want anyone to think that Serbia is a prey or a target, or that its citizens are unprotected or that there is no serious defence system in this country. Whenever our armed forces were strong, Serbia was strong too, and no one thought of attacking us. We mean no harm to anyone. This is a means of deterring the enemy - said Minister Stefanović.
Minister Stefanović hopes that the citizens will never have to see the weapons and military equipment, which will be displayed at Ušće, in war.
- In the military we say, "We are always ready, even if we never have to act." The weapons and military equipment that we are going to show are used on a daily basis by our military units that train for defending our country if necessary. Nobody is worried anymore, because everyone can see that the capability of the Serbian Armed Forces to defend their country is increasing. And we are working on that every day and we will continue to strengthen our armed forces - Minister Stefanović pointed out.
Improvement of standard in the Serbian Armed Forces
When asked what kind of life young people who have decided to be professional military personnel or to serve in the military can expect, Minister Stefanović said that the situation is constantly improving and that he is satisfied because the trend of people leaving the armed forces, which lasted for two decades, has stopped.
- I am glad we’ve managed to stop the trend of people leaving, which has been going on for about twenty years. First of all, I would say that in those years people did not leave the military, they were dismissed. Let’s look at the Military Technical Institute, for example, which should be the brains working on the development of our armed forces, designing new weapons and modernizing the existing ones, collaborating with other institutions and companies. In 2005 and 2006, the then leadership fired about 600 experts from the Military Technical Institute. The Military Technical Institute did not have 40,000 employees, so you cannot dismiss 600 of them just like that. Most of the Institute’s staff was fired - Minister Stefanović notes.
He also points out that, at that time, salaries in the military were below standard and that the improvement was brought about thanks to President Vučić, who recognized the problem.
- I talked to President Vučić about it and he really recognized the problem. I am grateful to him because without his support and help I would not have been able to do it. Members of the armed forces have had two salary increases over the last 7-8 months, one when there was an increase in the whole of the public sector and another, extraordinary increase for members of the armed forces. The military personnel will get another salary increase, alongside the rest of the public sector employees. I expect that to happen soon. It is good that the country's economy is stronger, because that is the only precondition. After that increase, service members will have much better salaries than before - the Minister of Defence announced.
In addition to bigger salaries, members of the Serbian Armed Forces can buy apartments on favourable terms and have the opportunity for professional development using the most modern equipment, Minister Stefanović notes.
- Those working in the defence system today have the best and most modern equipment to work with, they have good uniforms and boots, and we will continue to improve those. We are building new barracks and improving the existing ones. We have started a number of serious projects this year. We are trying to improve our staff’s standard of living, but also to provide them with adequate equipment, to make sure they do not fear for their own or for the financial security of their families - said Minister Stefanović.
Talking about the opportunities that young personnel have in the military today, the Minister of Defence referred to the recent live fire drill at the "Shabla" firing range in Bulgaria.
- A live fire drill is being conducted using air-defence missile systems at the Shabla firing range in Bulgaria. We engaged aerial targets using KUB and NEVA systems, which the Bulgarian Armed Forces also have, as well as MiG-29s. The good news is that we were able to participate in this drill using air-to-air missiles, because for years, we did not even have MiG-29 aircraft or missiles to fire. For the first time in many years, the firing was carried out by second lieutenants, lieutenants, captains, the youngest generations of officers. Young officers did not have the chance to participate in such exercises for years. Very young pilots flew MiG-29s. As President Vučić said at the promotion of second lieutenants, the young second lieutenant who addressed the citizens as one of the best cadets graduating from the Military Academy is also the top-ranking cadet in the aviation study programme. We were told that he is a pilot of exceptional talent who might fly a MiG-29 in two or three years’ time. This has not happened for years. A pilot had to reach the rank of major or lieutenant colonel in order to fly a MiG aircraft - Minister Stefanović pointed out.
When the time comes, the armed forces will be ready for compulsory military service
Minister Stefanović notes that the armed forces are preparing for potential reintroduction of compulsory military service, which is being considered at present.
- Firstly, we are preparing all the laws and bylaws to regulate this matter. Secondly, we have done a lot of preparation. The barracks where we used to do our military service, where generations of people were preparing for the defence of their country, have gone to ruin over time. Some say: "Let's reintroduce compulsory military service", but can we accommodate those young people in dilapidated barracks? We cannot. When I talked to the president about it, he also insisted that we fully prepare everything before a decision is made. Let's see what we need, how much it will costs, let’s weigh the needs against possibilities, let’s see what we can provide to these young people - Minister Stefanović says.
- I think that today we can offer these young people much more than before. People serving in the military will not clean the barracks, they will train and learn military skills. I also talked to the young men and women at the reserve officers' school a few days ago. More and more people who want to serve their country are applying - Minister Stefanović says, adding that the Ministry of Defence is working on the development of various models of military service.
Minister Stefanović also explains why the preparations that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are making are important for military service.
- We want to work with all categories, offer diversity and, of course, ensure equality. When young people come to modernized barracks which offer decent conditions to live and work in, we want our commanding officers to be prepared for that model. That is why we are doing everything in parallel at the moment. We were not just sitting around, waiting for a regulation to be passed so that we could get down to work. We are working as if the decision has already been made. It is important for us, we want the citizens of Serbia to see that the military is ready to receive young boys and girls, to train them for six months and that they feel satisfied with the things they have learned once their military service is over - says Minister Stefanović.