Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović visits "Guardian of Order" competitors, Serbian Armed Forces still in lead

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, attended today the third phase of the "Guardian of Order" competition at the "Beranovac" training ground in Kraljevo, where members of the Qatari, Cypriot, Iranian, Kazakh, Russian and Serbian military police are competing for medals in this discipline.
  Stefanović said he was glad that after the completion of the third phase called “Patrol Route”, the Serbian military team is still in the lead, and added that the Serbian team’s incredible coordination, training and dedication brought new points to Serbia.

- Today you had the opportunity to see how well-trained and prepared all the teams are, but also how important teamwork is in performing military tasks. You could see on the training ground that if only one team member fails to complete all tasks at the same speed as everyone else, the whole team suffers. That is why it is important in the military profession that all men are well-trained and do their part. Only in that way can we have professional and trained teams, capable of completing every task given to them by their country - said Minister Stefanović.
The Minister of Defence said he was glad that the teams from all participating countries successfully responded to all the challenges but he was particularly glad that the Serbian MP team was in the lead.

- I am particularly glad that the Serbian military team has been leading in the competition so far and has the best score, but, of course, we will not celebrate too early. It is important that our guys stay focused till the end, and we will continue to encourage them - said Stefanović.

On this occasion, the Minister also thanked the members of foreign armed forces who had come to Serbia to compete in the "Guardian of Order" contest as part of the International Army Games, and fought tooth and nail for victory today.
  He expressed hope that they are satisfied with their stay in Serbia and thanked the mayor of Kraljevo, Predrag Terzić, for the great support in hosting the competition and the genuine hospitality that Kraljevo extended to the guests.

The third phase of the competition was also attended by the Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković, Head of the Training and Doctrine Department (J-7, General Staff), Brigadier General Petar Latković and the Commander of the Second Brigade, Brigadier General Željko Kuzmanović.
mp4 (116,04 MB)
The competition
mp4 (230,47 MB)
Minister Stefanovic's statement