Minister Stefanović: Every Serbian soldier is important to me

"Unlike Dragan Đilas, various media controlled by him and politico-tycoon elites who consider everyone who does not have hundreds of millions of euros "ordinary ", for me every Serbian soldier is special, important and I appreciate every opportunity to see them and talk to them.
It is important to me that they have the best possible working conditions, equipment and weapons, the highest possible standard of living, and I fight with all my might to make sure that they and their families have the best possible life. I know, of course, just like the soldiers know themselves, that for Đilas and the "elite" these are the problems of "ordinary" people, unimportant to them.
I have also noticed that lately they have been particularly "worried" about my relationship with Aleksandar Vučić, so I can only tell them that my relationship with President Vučić is ours alone - mine and his, and it will certainly not be regulated by tycoons or quasi-politicians, or their press.
I have respected, for more than 20 years, the enormous work and energy invested by Aleksandar Vučić in the fight for a better and stronger Serbia, and as a member of the Government and his friend, I will continue to support him and do my best to help that fight. Aleksandar Vučić has done a lot to make Serbia an incomparably better place to live today than it was when various tycoons and representatives of their so-called politico-media elites made decisions in Serbia, caring only about lining their pockets."