Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Being a member of the armed forces and a doctor at the same time is a special honour

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD attended today the conduct of the exercise “Summer 2021”, that was executed within the barracks “Banjica” by the final year students of the 7th class of the Medical Faculty at the Military Medical Academy. He pointed out that being a member of the Serbian Armed Forces and a medical doctor at the same time was a special honour.
Congratulating the students on successfully executed exercise in providing medical care and assistance to citizens in emergencies such as earthquake, Minister Stefanović stated that all those young people, who were about to join the ranks of the military health system, had to be ready for all situations.
“They have to be ready to be the first to come to help the citizens in emergencies such as this one, which was the topic of today’s exercise, and in floods, fires and other. I wish them to know that, for the needs of their country, working in the armed forces, they have to be ready for different situations in which they are required to assist our citizens”, said the minister of defence.
On this occasion, he thanked all members of the military health system who have been fighting against Covid-19 outbreak for more than a year and a half, and he underlined that they did not withdraw in that fight, or flinch but they showed that they are the people of special kind.
“I hope that these young people, who are to join their ranks very soon, will understand how special the privilege it is to be in that company, and how important it is to show with their work that they are worthy of being a part of it” Stefanović said.
He highlighted that he was glad to see that the students had not only acquired knowledge but they successfully applied it in practice.  
“It was a privilege for me to see today these magnificent young men and women, who are getting ready to become the youngest commanding officers of the Serbian Armed Forces in several months. But in addition, they will become doctors. It is a special honour to be a member of the Serbian Armed Forces and a doctor at the same time, and yet is a responsibility and an obligation” the minister concluded.
Exercise “Summer 2021” for the final year students of the Medical Faculty of Military Medical Academy was an opportunity for them to additionally practice the work of brigade-medical station, which, according to student, Master Sergeant Tijana Stanojković should offer a general medical, specialist and dental care to all injured and ill patients.
“A brigade-medical station consists of the following segments: reception-triage department, distribution post, evacuation department, in-patient clinic, isolator, neuropsychiatry department, dental infirmary, unit for postoperative care and reanimation, surgery and a pharmacy. This exercise is very important for us because it enables us to use and apply in practice all the knowledge that we have gained in the course of our education” underscored student Master Sergeant Stanojković.
One of the exercise segments was dedicated to the work of distribution post, which was explained by Master Sergeant Mladen Šebek, also the final year student of the 7th class of Medical Faculty of the MMA.
“At the final exercise I was given a role of the commander of distribution post, where it is very important to refer to required departments all injured and ill patients who can be dangerous for the environment, which are the psycho traumatised, infective, and all other patients. I would like to stress that the very exercise represents the crown of our education and a cohesion between our expert knowledge and practical instruction that we have demonstrated here today”, Master Sergeant Šebek underlined.
The final exercise of the students of Medical Faculty of MMA was attended by Dean of the University of Defence Lieutenant General Professor Goran Radovanović, Head of the Military Academy Major General Bojan Zrnić PhD, Commander of 250th Rocket Brigade Brigadier General Tiosav Janković, Dean of Medical Faculty of MMA Colonel Professor Tihomir Ilić, Deputy Head of Military Health Department Radivoje Anđelković MD, and Head of the MMA Colonel Professor Miroslav Vukosavljević.  
mp4 (155,39 MB)
Exercise "Summer 2021"
mp4 (197,39 MB)
Minister Stefanovic's statement
mp4 (45,71 MB)
Master Sergeant Mladen Sebek's statement
mp4 (55,81 MB)
Master Sergeant Tijana Stanojkovic's statement