Telegram of Condolence from Minister Stefanović to his Colleague Delfin Lorenzana
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence of the Republic of Serbia Nebojša Stefanović PhD, sent a telegram of condolence to the Secretary for National Defence of the Republic of the Philippines, Delfin Lorenzana after the plane crash of the plane C-130 “Hercules” of the Philippine Armed Forces, on the island of Jolo, in Sulu province.
The telegram reads as follows:
“It is with great sadness that I have received the news about the crash of the military plane of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Philippines in which several people lost their lives.
In this difficult moment, my thoughts and the thoughts of all members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces are with the friendly people of Philippines.
I hope that the members of the Armed Forces, who were saved from the plane wreck, by which an even greater tragedy was averted, will recover successfully.
Please convey sincere condolences, on my behalf and of behalf of all members of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces, to the families of the perished, and the wishes for quick recovery to the injured.”