Meeting of Political Directors of Ministers of Defence in “Gratz Format”
Yesterday and today, Acting Assistant Minister for Defence Policy Predrag Bandić participated in the meeting of Political Directors of ministries of defence in “Gratz Format” held in Podgorica. The meeting gathers representatives from Austria, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro. The “Gratz Format” serves as a platform directed towards strengthening regional cooperation in the field of security, and, at today’s meeting, the participants discussed the opportunities for the establishment of a Regional strategic leaders’ course and for the enhancement of cooperation in the field of military education.

At the side-lines of the meeting, Acting Assistant Minister Bandić met Director General of Directorate for defence policy and planning of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro Major General Rajko Pešić. On that occasion, both sides expressed readiness to restore and further strengthen cooperation in the field of defence in the period to come, and both sides also welcomed current efforts aimed at the establishment of Offices of Defence Attaché in the two countries. They identified potential areas of cooperation and readiness was expressed to consider the modalities and further steps in mutual interest.