Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: We are proud of our athletes

Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD talked to members of the Serbian Armed Forces who had recently achieved significant results in competitions in athletics. The minister highlighted that he personally very much appreciated the effort and desire of each of them to represent the Serbian Armed Forces and their country the best they could in all competitions held both in the country and abroad.

Recently held competitions, “The Friendship Race – Kula 2021” and 12th Night Marathon in Novi Sad, were the events in which participated members of General Staff, Air Force and Air Defence, Army, Training Command, Guard, 72nd Special operations brigade and Special Purpose Military Police Detachment “Kobre”. Eleven of them achieved notable results and won first places in various categories.

Minister Stefanović congratulated the athletes on extraordinary results which they have been achieving, particularly having in mind that their engagement in the armed forces’ units requires intensive work and that they prepare for those competitions in their free time and he stated that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces are extremely proud of them.

Also, he discussed with the military athletes about the possibilities for improvement of their conditions for better practicing of sports in the armed forces, and he heard at first hand what it is that is necessary for them so that they can advance their capabilities and prepare for incoming competitions in quality fashion.

The athletes thanked Minister Stefanoviću for the support that he has been rendering, underscoring that it is very important to them that their results are noted by the defence system. They stated that they would, setting an example, continue working on the promotion of practicing sports both in the Serbian Armed Forces, and beyond.

The reception of the athletes, held in the Central Military Club, was attended by Deputy Chief of General Staff of Serbian Armed Forces Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković.
mp4 (95,5 MB)
The reception