Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović: Tomorrow, a great demonstration of strength of our armed forces in Kragujevac

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović PhD invited all citizens of Serbia to come the next day to Kragujevac to attend a great demonstration of strength of our armed forces.

- Apart from all equipment and materiel, which you were partially able to see during today’s exercise on Pešter, you will have an opportunity to see everything that makes the armed forces of Serbia what they exactly are – their men. You will have an opportunity to see their athletes, pilots, artillery men, infantry men, young man and women who will demonstrate martial arts skills and their knowledge and competencies – Minister Stefanović announced.

The minister of defence said that the demonstration would offer interesting content intended for the youngest visitors.

- Also, the young will have an opportunity to familiarise themselves closer with the military profession and to perhaps decide to join us. I expect that the citizens will have a nice day, and spend a Monday in Kragujevac together with their soldiers and see why the Serbian Armed Forces are what they are – the strongest bulwark of their fatherland, of their only Serbia – Stefanović sent a message.

On Vidovan, 28th June, the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces are organising in Kragujevac the greatest ever tactical and technical display titled “Open Day” which starts at 12.30 on the area between the stadium “Čika Dača” and the Museum “21st October”.

More than 40 nationally produced weapon systems and military equipment will be presented at the event such as modernised tank M-84AS2, self-propelled artillery systems “Nora”, “Tamnava” and “Šumadija”, robotised ground platforms and unmanned aerial vehicles, new terrain and combat vehicles, modernised AD systems, and a great number of assets and components produced by defence industry of Serbia.

Accompanying programme will include the exhibition of arms and uniforms from the First World War, practical display of martial arts and service dogs’ handling. The youngest will have the opportunity to take photographs with pilots and members of special units, to have their faces painted with camouflage colours and they will be offered many other activities.

The Serbian Armed Forces will prepare the well-known soldiers’ beans for the citizens gathered at the “Open Day” event.
mp4 (79,85 MB)
Minister Stefanovic's statement