Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans
Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans is an internal unit of the MoD Human Resources Sector established on January 18, 2010.
It performs tasks referring to the tradition, culture, standards, military veterans; the look and use of Serbian Armed Forces coat of arms, military flag, insignia and other symbols; the assignment of military decorations, professional recognition and non-material rewards at the level of the Ministry and Armed Forces; social welfare and humanitarian affairs within the system of defence; care of the families of fallen members; cooperation with the military associations;provision of housing for employees; solving housing issues for the beneficiaries of military pensions, as well as cooperation with other ministries and organizations dealing with the affairs in the field of traditions, culture, standards and veterans.
The Department is further divided into the following internal units:
- Section for Traditions, Culture and Veterans
- Section for Housing Affairs
- Section for Commercial and Financial Affairs
- Section for Common Affairs.
Military Museum collects, prepares and exhibits artefacts referring to military history, history of war and tradition. It also collects and exhibits artefacts which are part of the national cultural heritage. It also deals with publishing activities of importance for the professional work and the promotion of museum’s collections, as well as exchanges published works with other museums, and cooperates with similar institutions both in the country and abroad.
Aeronautical Museum collects, registers, studies, keeps, protects and professionally processes museum artefacts and additional museum materials (material items, documents, illustrations and photographs referring to the history of units and organizations of Serbian Armed Forces Air Force and Air Defence), as well asartefacts belonging to the national and world cultural heritage, which it displays and presents to the general public in order to satisfy cultural, scientific and educational needs, as well the need for cherishing air force, combat and libertarian traditions of Serbian people.
Head of Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans is Colonel Đorđe Kalanj, Ph.D.
Contact details
Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans
15 Nemanjina Street
11000 Belgrade
Phone: 011-3203-055
Fax: 011-3000-316