Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Defence Obligations Department

Defence Obligations Department is an internal unit of the MoD Human Resources Sector, which plans and governs the work and activities of state bodies, automunous provinces bodies, local self-government bodies, business companies, other legal entities and entrepreneurs both in the state of emergency and wartime; it performs tasks related to the training of citizens; military, work and material duties, as well as the tasks within the protection and rescue of civilian population. It was established on December 1, 2004.
The Department is further divided into the following internal units:
  • Section for Planning Defence Preparations
  • Section for Military, Work, Material Duties and Mobilization Affairs
  • Section for Citizens’ Training
  • Section for General Affairs
  • IT Support Group.

Functional authorities of Defence Obligations Department are as follows: “planning defence preparations”, “citizens’ training”, “coordination of civil protection affairs”, and “military, work, material duty, and mobilization affairs”.

While performing tasks within “planning defence preparations”, it creates acts and planning documents prescribing measures and actions for the successful work of state bodies, autonomous provinces bodies, local self-government bodies, business companies, as well as other legal entities and entrepreneurs both in the state of emergency and wartime; it coordinates the affairs in order to provide living and working conditions for citizens, and meets defence forces’ needs both in the state of emergency and wartime.

Training and providing professional help with the training of population for the purpose of the country’s defence fall under the Department’s functional authority “citizens’ training”; whereas, within “coordination of civil protection affairs”, it coordinates civil protection affairs together with the authorised state bodies.

On the grounds of “military, work, material duty, and mobilization affairs” functional authority, the Department does the work referring to the planning, organizing, and performing tasks related to military, work, and material duty; it prescribes the manner and act of the planning of wartime manning; it harmonizes mobilization preparations; it prescribes the way and act of organizing the invitation of all people eligible for mobilization; it controls and analyses tasks within military, work, and material duty, as well as wartime manning; it creates subordinate regulations and normative acts, prescribing the manner in which the records on people eligible for military service are kept, we as well as the people eligible for work and material duty.

Units subordinate to Defence Obligations Department are:
  • MoD Regional Centre Belgrade
  • MoD Regional Centre Novi Sad
  • MoD Regional Centre Niš
  • MoD Regional Centre Kragujevac
  • MoD Regional Centre Valjevo.

MoD Regional Centres are territorial units of the Ministry of Defence which perform tasks related to the preparation and harmonization of draft defence plans with defence planning subjects; the actions according to the documents for the implementation of MoD Defence Plan; the organization, coordination and functioning of the civil protection affairs; citizens’ training, as well as the affairs related to mobilization, military, work and material duty.
Colonel Saša Petrović acts as Head of Defence Obligations Department.

The list of contact details of MoD territorial units

Contact details
Defence Obligations Department
15 Nemanjina Street
11000 Belgrade
Phone: 011-3006-335
Fax: 011-3651-618