Stefanović for Sky News: We are neutral, that is our advantage
The British Sky News assessed that the British Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace’s recent visit to Serbia, hosted by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, was a sign of the UK’s desire to strengthen ties with a country it had not always seen eye to eye with.

When asked by the Sky News journalist who Serbia preferred to train with - with British or Russian forces, Minister Stefanović replied - with both.
“We are neutral, so we don’t have to prefer to train with either, we can choose both and that’s our advantage”, said Stefanović. A total of 524 members of the Serbian Armed Forces and 10 partner countries’ forces participated in this year's "Platinum Wolf" exercise, which was conducted from 3 to 18 June at the base near Bujanovac.
This year, members of the Greek and French Armed Forces also took part for the first time, while besides 259 members of the Serbian Armed Forces, the British contingent was the most numerous with 69 troops.
When asked by Sky News whether Russia might eye this renewed friendship between the two countries with suspicion, the British Defence Secretary answered: "The Balkans matter for the security of Europe. We don't come here to cause problems. We come here to provide partnership," said Wallace, who was on a two-day visit to Serbia on 16 and 17 June.


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