Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Graduation ceremony for Military Grammar School’s 45th Class

The graduation ceremony for the Military Grammar School’s 45th Class was held today at the Military Academy’s cinema hall.
  The 45th Class is comprised of sixty-nine high school graduates, and the class valedictorian is Milan Petrović.  The second best student is Jovana Živković, and the third is Nemanja Kovinić.
The Head of the Military Grammar School, Captain Miroslav Ćitić, addressed the graduates and other guests, emphasizing that the Military Grammar School was proud of its mission and vision, as an educational institution which would continue to produce generations of young, versatile and educated people.
  - You are leaving school today, knowing that the future of the Serbian Armed Forces enters through the Military Grammar School’s door. Here, you have been taught to be honest, sincere and hardworking. Here, you have built the basis for an honourable officer's profession, which can only be practised by great people. Stay that way forever - Captain Ćitić said.

The Military Academy’s Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Colonel Srđan Blagojević, presented a watch to the best student in the 45th Class, Milan Petrović. Petrović was also presented with the "Lieutenant Borko Nikitović" Award, which has been traditionally awarded since 1993.
Petrović said he felt honoured to be awarded the title of valedictorian, and he credited his schoolmates, who had become his second family during his four-year schooling, with part of his success.
  - I consider this award yours as much as mine. Apart from ourselves, all the commanding officers, teachers and officers who worked with us and selflessly devoted themselves to us are responsible for the knowledge and virtues we acquired - Petrović said.
The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff, Lieutenant General Petar Cvetković.
Younger Military Grammar School students performed a cultural and artistic program at the ceremony.
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The ceremony