Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

China donates 200,000 vaccines – proof of steel friendship

This morning, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, accompanied by the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China Chen Bo and Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar, greeted the plane carrying 200,000 Covid vaccine doses donated by China's Ministry of National Defence. In addition to the donation, another 240,000 Sinopharm vaccine doses that Serbia had purchased arrived at Nikola Tesla Airport this morning.   

Minister Stefanović expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of National Defence of the People's Republic of China and the Minister, General Wei Fenghe, who fulfilled the promise he had made during his recent visit to Serbia and stressed that 200,000 doses of the Sinopharm vaccine donated to us would be used to vaccinate members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, their families and other citizens.
– The armed forces have, of course, used all the other vaccines that arrived in Serbia, and we will continue doing so. This is a very important thing for us, because vaccination is the only way to stop the pandemic - said the Minister of Defence.

He once again called on the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and all other citizens to take the opportunity and get vaccinated. – Serbia’s vaccination program is successful because we have good friends like China.  At a time when China is also conducting mass immunization campaigns and at a time when there are not enough vaccines in the world, to set aside more than 3.5 million Sinopharm vaccine doses for Serbia so far, is a sign of great friendship - Stefanović underlined.

He once again thanked our Chinese friends for the assistance they had been providing to us since the beginning of the pandemic by delivering both respirators and vaccines.

– We are grateful because this donation will also help members of our defence system be protected, safe, and be able to do their jobs in the best possible way - said Stefanović.
The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China, Chen Bo, said she was glad to have the opportunity to welcome a new batch of vaccines from China today, together with Minister Stefanović and Minister Lončar, including the vaccines donated to Serbia by the Chinese armed forces.
– This is another proof of the steel friendship between our two countries, nations and militaries. Both the Chinese and Serbian armed forces play a very important role in the fight against the epidemic in our countries - Ambassador Bo pointed out.
According to her, mass vaccination is of great importance for controlling the epidemic. – I deeply admire Serbia for organizing mass vaccinations so successfully and for the results it has achieved, and I hope that the new batch of vaccines purchased from China and donated by the Chinese armed forces will contribute to the mass immunization campaign in Serbia - Bo added.
Responding to journalists’ questions regarding the vaccination program in the Serbian Armed Forces, Stefanović emphasized that the armed forces were one of the pillars of security in the Republic of Serbia and that the vaccination of its members was of strategic importance.
– An army cannot perform its tasks successfully and efficiently, if its members are not protected. How can you tell your service members: "In case of any danger, you will be in the front line, you will be Serbia’s strongest bulwark", if they are sick with Covid at home or in hospitals? So, I support the vaccination of members of the armed forces - said Stefanović.

He also pointed out that the people working in the military health care system, who were the most competent in that regard, had absolute confidence in the vaccine and that more than 95% of the Military Medical Academy’s employees had been vaccinated, which anyone who had doubts about getting a vaccine should know.
– We have also launched a campaign with our military doctors speaking about various dilemmas about the vaccine, such as whether a vaccine can change DNA, whether it is dangerous and the like. They give very precise, detailed and expert explanations. And I am glad that people have the opportunity to hear that those who say that we should not get vaccinated do not actually have any arguments - said the Minister and noted that Serbia was a country that had always provided vaccines to all those who wanted to get vaccinated.

The plane that flew in from China this morning contained 440,000 Sinopharm vaccine doses, 200,000 of which were a donation from the People's Liberation Army of China to the Serbian Armed Forces.
– We consider vaccination mandatory for health workers, although the decision has not been made yet and we are acting accordingly, and so far about 80 percent of health workers have been vaccinated - said the Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar.

When asked by Tanjug whether Covid-19 vaccination would be made mandatory for healthcare workers, the Minister of Health said that it would be considered if the percentage of vaccinated medics started to fall.
  – We currently have 80 percent of vaccinated health workers. These are all serious and responsible people who set an example to others - Lončar emphasized.

What the ministry will focus on is the vaccination of young people, says the minister and adds that people must be talked to about the fact that there is no evidence or fact indicating that any vaccine used in Serbia is harmful or causes any ill effects.

– The vaccine saves lives and helps you, us, your loved ones and the health system to return to normal life as soon as possible - concludes Lončar.
mp4 (167,55 MB)
Arrival of vaccines
mp4 (245,38 MB)
Minister Stefanovic's statement
mp4 (107,57 MB)
Chinese Ambassador Chen Bo's statement
mp4 (259,37 MB)
Minister Loncar's statement