Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović presents annual awards

To mark the upcoming Serbian Armed Forces Day, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, presented annual awards for the best research papers at the Central Military Club today. He announced that the military ensemble “Stanislav Binički“ would give a concert in Kalemegdan and the Guard’s Orchestra would go on parade down Knez Mihajlova Street on Sunday.
Congratulating the award winners, the Minister of Defence emphasized that, as the Serbian Armed Forces day approached, it was important to remember the people whose research work had significantly contributed to our armed forces being even better, more efficient, and one step ahead of others. 

The award for the best research project in 2020 went to Colonel Nebojša Nikolić, Colonel Miroslav Mitrović and Lieutenant Colonel Milinko Vračar, the team of researchers from the Strategic Research Institute, University of Defence, for their paper entitled "Hybrid Warfare - Experiences and Prospects". The award for the best doctoral dissertation went to Colonel Mirjana Milenković, PhD, from Peacekeeping Operations Centre, General Staff, for her paper "Western Balkans as a Sub-complex in the Regional Security Complex Theory".

Minister Stefanović expressed joy at the fact that a team and a lady received awards for extremely important subjects in today’s world.
- For example, when it comes to the Covid-19 epidemic, I have already talked about the reasons for vaccination, the fierce fight against Covid-19, and lock-downs. If you encourage non-vaccination, it means that the epidemic will last longer, which affects the country’s economy and thus gives some other countries comparative advantage - Minister Stefanović emphasized, pointing out that today the media, industry, education, history, various controversies and other things could be used for such warfare.
  Speaking about the Western Balkans and regional security, the minister pointed out that this was certainly an issue that would be considered from various angles in the coming years, and added that it was an important topic for our country and security.

Stefanović also referred to the recently conducted joint live fire exercise at Orešac and Pasuljanske livade training grounds, emphasizing that these exercises were the fruit of deliberation, cooperation and science.

- We are extremely proud of our aviation, Mi-35 and MiG-29 aircraft, Plamen and Oganj rocket launchers, Eagle upgrades, Miloš and Lazar armoured vehicles, MRAPs, everything that the armed forces use today. But the people are what make our armed forces. And I want to take this opportunity to thank them for choosing this job, because they stayed with their country. It was not always easy, but you stayed, regardless of the times when the armed forces were destitute, when people were fired and when there was no future. You have stayed faithful to your homeland and people. We will therefore try to show respect to people in uniform by providing better salaries and housing, new equipment and weapons and better working conditions - said Stefanović.
The minister also said that he had talked to General Milan Mojsilović and that a concert and military orchestra parade would be held for the citizens on Sunday.
  Speaking about the importance of the received award, Colonel Nebojša Nikolić, PhD, the leader of the awarded project, pointed out that the award meant a lot to him. It is a project that was launched several years ago after several important MoD and SAF’s organizational units had expressed the need for it. He thanked all those who participated in this project, especially the young officers from Serbian Armed Forces units who had found the time and energy to write the papers as part of this project.

The award means a lot to Colonel Nikolić personally, because he started his career in 1988 as the best cadet at the Military Technical Academy, and the end of his career will be marked by this award, which is beautiful and symbolic.
Colonel Mirjana Milenković, PhD, pointed out that the thesis she defended at the Faculty of Political Sciences had a symbolic meaning for her personally, in addition to the importance of those academic studies.
- It is the result of what I did in my previous duties and something that I thought could be useful for those who deal with international cooperation - said Colonel Milenković. She added that this award was the crown of years of work.

- When you receive such an award, it is certainly a confirmation that you are on the right path and that you should continue along that path - Colonel Mirjana Milenković emphasized.
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The award ceremony
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Minister Stefanovic's address
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Colonel Nebojsa Nikolic's statement
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Colonel Mirjana Milenkovic's statement