Minister Stefanović: More and more people interested in military profession
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, invited today all interested candidates to apply for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces’ open competition for recruitment of persons for more than 300 positions on a permanent employment contract. The Minister of Defence pointed out that he was satisfied with the number of young people who applied for admission in military schools.
He specified that a competition for recruitment of civilians was opened as of today for various NCO and senior and junior civilian employee positions in the MoD and SAF units and institutions across Serbia.
"The number of applicants for admission in military schools is 10 percent higher than last year. For instance, there are as many as five applicants per place at the Secondary Vocational Military School, compared to previous years when there were three applicants per place. The large number of applicants means a better selection”, Stefanović said.
He noted that the government’s investment in the defence system certainly helped make military profession desirable again, and the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces a good employer.
"Our people place great trust in our military, but at the same time, military profession is only for selected people who put their homeland first and who are brave enough to dedicate their lives to defending and building a better Serbia. That is why they deserve absolute trust, but also better working conditions. We are proud that, thanks to President Vučić, we have provided better conditions. Namely, all members of the defence system, both military and civilian, will get a considerable salary increase amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, continuous and strategic investment in the equipment and weapons has yielded good results and our soldiers are well equipped, protected and trained today”, Minister Stefanović said.