The Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces strictly adhere to the decision made by the Serbian government on 9 September 2020 imposing a six-month moratorium on the participation of our units in international military exercises.
In this regard, we point out that certain media have published false news about the Serbian Armed Forces special units participating in the current one-month joint training organized by the Ministry of the Interior and the U.S. Special Operations Command Europe that started on 1 March, which the public was informed about.
Hence, the allegations that the moratorium was lifted a few days before its expiration due to the participation of the SAF special units in the above mentioned training, are a complete lie.
We also remind you that the Serbian government’s decision dated 9 September 2020 suspended all international military cooperation activities, with the exception of those related to the equipping of the Serbian Armed Forces units, but the restrictions were relaxed in early December, so the suspension that is still in force today applies to joint exercises only.
We also point out that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces will be able to conduct international exercises as of 9 March 2021, when the moratorium is lifted, after having strictly adhered to it for six months, and that we will continue to further improve military cooperation with all international partners.