CitizensRequest for Access to Information of Public ImportanceFAQsE-Communication with ClientsEconomyPublic ProcurementMaster Plan - a List of Real Estate for Sale in MoD and SAF Access to information of public importanceDOCUMENTSForm 1 – Request for access to information of public importancepdfForm 1 – Request for access to information of public importancedocForm 2 – Notice of the disclosure of the document containing the requested information and provision of the copy thereofpdfForm 2 – Notice of the disclosure of the document containing the requested information and provision of the copy thereofdocForm 3 - Appeal against the determination of public authority to refuse or dismiss the request for access to informationpdfForm 3 - Appeal against the determination of public authority to refuse or dismiss the request for access to informationdocForm 4 – Appeal against public authority’s failure to respond (to respond in full) to the request of the information seeker within the time limit pdfForm 4 – Appeal against public authority’s failure to respond (to respond in full) to the request of the information seeker within the time limit doc Request for Access to Information of Public ImportanceFAQsE-Communication with ClientsPublic ProcurementMaster Plan - a List of Real Estate for Sale in MoD and SAF