Ministry of Defence prepares online lessons in "Fundamentals of the Defence System"
The Ministry of Defence, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, is implementing an important project – instruction in the "Fundamentals of Serbia’s Defence System", an optional subject intended for third and fourth year secondary school students.
Ms Dunja Simić, Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, and Lieutenant Colonel Milan Krsmanović from the MoD’s Defence Obligations Department talked about the importance of the topics covered by this subject, the purpose of including it in the curriculum and the novelties of distance learning, in the “Svitanje” show on Pink Television.

During the visit to the Military Academy, when he attended the filming of online lessons, the Minister emphasized that this was something that would reunite the military and the people, in the sense that our young people would acquire some basic knowledge about the military again – Ms Simić said.
According to her, the classes dedicated to the defence of the country will begin with "God of Justice", the Serbian national anthem, the purpose of which is to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and help young people identify with their country.
Lieutenant Colonel Krsmanović explains that lessons in “Fundamentals of Serbia’s Defence System” can be taught with the help of written materials, Power Point presentations and a handbook designed by the Ministry of Defence that can be used by both teachers and students.
– These lessons are optional. They are taught in four homeroom classes and include 11 topics, 10 theoretical and one practical. The Ministry of Defence has responded to the request of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and prepared all teaching materials for these classes. Also, the Ministry of Defence took a step further and offered professional assistance in teaching. Namely, secondary school principals can send a short request to our regional centre and ask for help. In that case, a uniformed person from our regional centre goes to the school and helps the class teachers teach - said Krsmanović.
He emphasizes the importance of this subject for students in the final years of secondary schools, because they, as adult citizens, already have the rights and obligations towards the state, they are entered into the military records, and can decide to enrol in the Military Academy, become professional soldiers or decide to do their military service.
When it comes to novelties in teaching, Dunja Simić pointed out the making of educational films, as a form of support to distance learning.
– Epidemiological situation, which is currently unfavourable, meaning that we cannot always go to the classroom and attend a class, has been a great challenge this year and last year. This year as well, we have offered to make instructional films lasting about 25 minutes each, which will then be distributed to all schools in Serbia with the great support of the Ministry of Education. In that way, we will have another teaching tool, in addition to presentations and our military officers in uniform who went to schools to help teach this important subject - said Ms Simić.