Strategic Research Institute celebrates 37th anniversary
Today, the Strategic Research Institute celebrates its anniversary without the usual festivities due to preventive measures against Covid-19, but it summarizes significant scientific research results achieved since last anniversary. Since the Institute was founded 37 years ago, the mission of this scientific institution that conducts basic and applied research has been to help the management of the defence system create and implement the defence policy.

– Over the past year, more than 50 papers by the Institute’s researchers were published, both in domestic and foreign journals, and a large number of them fall into the highest scientific category - says Ms Šaranović. She also notes that one of the planned tasks, the research project entitled "Strategic Culture as a Determinant of National Security with the Purpose of Supporting the Concept of Military Neutrality" has been completed, and the projects "Hybrid Warfare - Experiences and Prospects" and "Development of a Professional Military Organization in Serbia 1804-1990" are underway.
– At the start of the year, there was a promotion at the Central Military Club of the Institute’s recently published monograph "Asymmetric Forms of Security Threats Shown on the Example of Southeast Europe", and the publishing activity was broadened by other publications, such as Colonel Dalibor Denda's monograph "Kingdom of Yugoslavia’s Tankers" and the collection of papers “Challenges of the Modern World: Strategic Action of States or the Result of Global and Local Causes and Processes?”, as a result of cooperation with the Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade, and the Institute of International Politics and Economics - says the director of the Institute Ms Jovanka Šaranović.

Last year, the scientific journal "Vojno delo" became one of the Institute’s publications. The fact that, after a long time, the Institute has hired two young researchers, postgraduates of the Faculty of Security Studies and the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, deserves special attention.
The notable scientific research results achieved over the past years are in part the result of a good cooperation between the Institute and other institutions belonging to Serbia’s academic community.