Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Stefanović presents Decree on Promotion to Colonel Nikola Dejanović

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Nebojša Stefanović, PhD, presented a Decree issued by the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces promoting Colonel Nikola Dejanović to the rank of Brigadier General and appointing him as the Deputy Commander of the Training Command.
Minister Stefanović congratulated General Dejanović on his promotion and new appointment and expressed hope that he would continue working hard and being committed to the State of Serbia and its armed forces.  

Brigadier General Nikola Dejanović completed the General Staff Course in 2010 and the Advanced Security and Defence Studies in 2020. He was a colonel since 2011. He served as the Commander of the Training Command’s Banat Brigade Development Command and as the Training Command’s Chief of Staff since 2019. He was awarded the Gold Medal for Zealous Service, the Order of Merit (First Degree)in the Fields of Defence and Security, and the Military Memorial Medal for Outstanding Results in Military Service.

mp4 (59,18 MB)
The promotion ceremony