Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

MFC „Zastava Film“ marks 72nd work anniversary

The Military Film Centre “Zastava Film“, an institution within the Ministry of Defence's Public Relations Department, marks its 72nd anniversary on 14 November. By tenaciously and diligently recording the life of the military and important historical events on film, this institution has taken a unique and important place in Serbian cinematography.  
According to Zastava Film’s director, Lieutenant Colonel Goran Ikonić, it is a modern film production house, technologically and professionally equipped for carrying out a number of complex tasks in the defence system that only developed armed forces are privileged of having, including our armed forces.

- In terms of the scope and quality of our work, we can freely say that we can rival great production companies in this area. Over these 72 years, “Zastava Film” has won numerous awards at local and international film festivals. Millions of metres of film have been recorded and the volume of films produced is really large – says Lieutenant Colonel Ikonić, adding that with 30,000 reels of film, 6,500 video tapes and tens of thousands of high resolution videos, Zastava Film’s archive is one of the largest motion pictures treasuries in the Balkans.    
Military cinematography in Serbia was created practically as soon as the first film camera appeared in the world, and the history of “Zastava Film” started in the summer of 1948, when the Yugoslav Army’s Film Production Department was established in Belgrade. The Military Film Centre “Zastava Film” got its current name in 1962, and from its earliest works until today, this production house has been a loyal witness and chronicler of events from the viewpoint of the military.

Being open to the public, “Zastava Film” has always attracted numerous filmmakers, some of whom have become big names in Yugoslav and Serbian filmmaking industry. Numerous awards received at international and local festivals contribute to this institution’s enviable reputation. Furthermore, “Zastava Film” has received numerous awards for professional work and achieved results from the highest state and military leadership, the most important of which are the Sretenje Order of the Third Degree for special merits in the field of cultural and documentary activities and the Military Memorial Medal for exceptional contribution to the defence system.

Lieutenant Colonel Ikonić emphasizes that, through its significant projects which get media coverage, “Zastava Film” promotes the culture of remembrance, the Serbian military cinematography and the defence system as a whole in the best way. He points out that in the past five years, the Military Film Centre has made a big step forward in all spheres of its work by recording the greatest results after the “golden 80s”.  

- In the last two or three years we have had a great film production. I primarily refer to documentaries “War Stories from Košare” and “War Stories from Paštrik” that were seen by millions of viewers and met with a highly positive response from the public. We have made the documentary/feature film “Corridor 92”, a co-production with the Radio Television of Serbia and the Radio Television of Republika Srpska, which is undergoing final editing and is to be premiered on 9 January next year in Republika Srpska. Also, there is the documentary “Operation Covid-19” about our engagement and the engagement of the Serbian Armed Forces in the prevention of the coronavirus epidemic – Lieutenant Colonel Ikonić emphasizes and announces two more projects that will see the light of day soon, the documentary “The First Serbian Squadron” and documentary miniatures entitled “Serbian Battles”.

In the past period, along with the film production of which it is proud, "Zastava film" has actively worked on renewing its own capacities, hiring young employees, procuring modern equipment and remodelling its building’s interior and exterior.
Aware of the fact that film is a powerful weapon that should be handled responsibly, and proud of the overall cultural heritage created by generations of filmmakers in "Zastava Film", Lieutenant Colonel Ikonić says that it is an incentive and inspiration for future work of all members of the Military Film Centre "Zastava Film".
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Statement by LTC Goran Ikonić, Director of "Zastava Film"
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MFC "Zastava Film" - promotional video