Minister Vulin: Exercise “Joint Action 2020” opportunity to show how much progress armed forces made
The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin was a guest on the Morning Programme of “Pink” Television where he spoke about the upcoming military exercise “Joint Action 2020“ that will be carried out on Saturday, 10 October, on Pešter. Minister Vulin said that the Serbian Armed Forces usually carry out large-scale exercises every two years, and that exercise “Joint Action“ is an opportunity to show how much progress the military has made since the exercise “March of the Victors“, which was held two years ago.
- When it comes to the Air Force and Air Defence, our aircraft will be shown, more than 40 different aircraft: helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, MiG-29 aircraft, Orao and Galeb aircraft - everything that we have. One big difference compared to previous years is contained in the maxim formulated by President Vučić in his order, which reads "Everything that flies, must also fire". This means that all our aircraft are now armed. Previously, some of them were used only for transport, I mean helicopters, and now they are able to fight and provide support to our paratroopers and infantry - said Minister Vulin, adding that the exercise "Joint Action" will have more than 2,000 direct participants, as well as a significant number of participants who provide support at airports and control towers, who made an effort to prepare everything.
Minister Vulin said that yesterday, together with the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces he visited the temporary exercise area Pešter, where the exercise will be carried out and that he inspected the preparedness of our armed forces. Also, the minister announced that a full-dress rehearsal for the exercise will be held on Friday, 9th October.
- The military is exactly like the state. The military is a reflection of its state. If the military is organized, well-trained and well-equipped, it shows that the state is economically strong, politically stable and takes care of itself and its security - Minister Vulin emphasized, saying that interest in military education and employment in the military has clearly risen in comparison with the previous years, thanks to investments in the Serbian Armed Forces, awareness of a better life in the military and respect for the military.
When Serbia is strong, efficient, equipped, trained, organized, and politically stable, there is peace in the Balkans and no one touches the Serbs, said Minister Vulin, expressing gratitude on behalf of the Serbian Armed Forces to the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić for giving priority to the development of the Serbian Armed Forces and using his personal authority to contribute to the investment in the standard and better life of all members of the armed forces.