Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: The upgraded M-84 AS1 tank has shown good ideas of our designers

- In terms of the total number of operative tanks, Serbia is a European power, but that is not enough. The tanks must be upgraded, so that they can keep up with the most modern tanks in their class and of course, we must have the appropriate number of crews so that each tank is useful and usable - said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin after attending design tests and field target firing from the upgraded M-84 AS1 tank prototype in the area of ​​the military complex "Pasuljanske livade".
According to Minister Vulin, the prototype of the upgraded M-84 AS1 tank has shown that we are on the right track and that our designers came up with good ideas.

- We will put in a great deal of effort in ensuring that our tanks, or at least majority of them, are upgraded to such a level that they can use appropriate ammunition and technical solutions and be able to confront any tank in our environment. Serbia is a tank force, but it should not only be so in terms of numbers, but also in terms of technical solutions and crews – emphasized Minister Vulin.  

Speaking about key segments of upgrading the M-84 tank, Assistant Minister for Material Resources, Nenad Miloradović, PhD, said that the modernization of this tank and modernization of the infantry combat vehicle are two most important projects of combat equipment modernization for the needs of the Army.  

- Most types of new and upgraded weapons, which aim to enhance the capabilities of our infantry and artillery units, have already been completed in terms of development. Now, zero series are being introduced into the armament which means that the initial equipping of units is underway, which completes the first phase of renewing the armaments of the Serbian Armed Forces.
According to Miloradović, design tests of the upgraded M-84 AS1 tank are a very large enterprise, which includes a large number of upgraded subsystems that were added to the tank, whose purpose is to increase the level of tank protection against the most modern types of armour-piercing weapons, as well as to increase the crew’s situational awareness and upgrade tank commander’s equipment.

- In addition to the command and control information system and appropriate communication and computer systems, the tank is also fitted with a new remotely controlled combat station, which gives it a completely new quality in combat and provides a much higher level of protection and combat effectiveness. We believe that this modernization will significantly enhance the capabilities of our armoured and mechanized units - Miloradović emphasizes and says that this is not the end of development, because we are simultaneously working on phase two, designated as an upgraded M-84 AS2 tank, which includes several more new subsystems that will additionally and significantly enhance the capabilities of our tank units.
mp4 (145,5 MB)
Minister Vulin's statement
mp4 (169,81 MB)
The statement of Assistant Minister Nenad Miloradović, PhD
mp4 (589,88 MB)
Upgraded M-84 tank firing