Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: All our aircraft are ready to fire at the exercise

- Through preparations for the “Joint Action 2020” exercise that will be performed on Pešter in October, carrying out the order of the Supreme Commander, we have prepared all our aircraft to fire. You could see for the first time MiGs-35 with our own crews fire, but also Mi-17 helicopters which are armed, which are no longer just transport and landing helicopters but they are able to fight, to help our paratroopers and members of special units land in certain areas – said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin who, together with the Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, attended live-fire training of helicopter units of the Air Force and Air Defence at the “Pasuljanske livade” Military Complex.
  Minister Vulin pointed out that the Serbian Armed Forces are there for their country, that they prepare for every task they can carry out, and that “our capabilities are increasing day by day”.
According to the Commander of the 98th Air Brigade, Colonel Zoran Prodanović, helicopter units of the 98th and 204th Air Brigades of the Air Force and Air Defence engaged and fired rockets at ground targets.
  - Mi-35 helicopters engaged targets with 23 mm guns – three guns, two containers, one in the nose turret, firing 80 mm S-8KOM rockets, thus demonstrating preparedness of the helicopter for anti-armour missions and preparation of the landing area for the landing of Special Forces. These actions were demonstrated as part of regular activities of engaging ground targets and attacking them with rockets within the preparations for the joint tactical exercise "Joint Action 2020". "Gamma" helicopters engaged two or three targets imitating tanks with Malyutka rockets, and then Mi-17 helicopters fired 80 mm rockets as part of the preparation of the landing area, after which a landing in that area followed - said Colonel Prodanović and added that all actions were given an excellent grade.
Preparations at the “Pasuljanske livade” Military Complex were attended by the Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović, PhD, Commander of the AF and AD, Major General Duško Žarković, Deputy Commander of the AF and AD, Brigadier General Željko Bilić, Deputy Army Commander, Brigadier General Vladeta Baltić, Head of the Development and Equipping Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Milan Popović and Commander of the 250th AD Missile Brigade, Brigadier General Tiosav Janković. 
mp4 (65,59 MB)
Minister Vulin's statement
mp4 (91,69 MB)
The statement of Colonel Zoran Prodanović
mp4 (266,37 MB)
Helicopter firing