Elite brigades - always ready
“WHEN OTHERS CAN'T OR DON'T DARE, THERE IS THE ONLY ONE... THE 72ND THAT ALWAYS CAN AND DARES!“ is the motto of the members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, while the members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade swear an oath to their unit which reads as follows: “PARATROOPERS OF THE 63RD PARACHUTE BRIGADE WORK FOR THE FATHERLAND, FOR THE COMMRADE, FOR THE RIFLE, FOR SOLDIER’S AND WARRIOR’S HONOUR!”. By the decision of the President of the Republic of Serbia dated 21 December 2019, these units were given back the rank of a brigade and the status of a unit, i.e. they were given back their old names and the status they deserve.
The 72nd Special Operations Brigade is the legal successor of the 72nd Special Brigade which was decorated with the Order of the War Banner on 16th June 2000. During the organisational changes in 2006, parts of the 72nd Special Brigade were integrated into the newly formed Special Brigade.
Along with the 63rd Parachute Brigade, the 72nd Special Operations Brigade is highly professional, combat effective and dedicated to performing its tasks and it has always been the most elite unit of our armed forces that people in Serbia are proud of. It is a tactical unit intended and trained for carrying out special operations, commando, counter-commando, counter-insurgency and counter-terrorist operations, as well as for reconnaissance and collecting intelligence data in all conditions.
Members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade are equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment and they do not lag behind their counterparts from around the world in the least. They are capable of overcoming the most difficult obstacles and they are always at their country’s disposal.
Among other things, members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade undergo training in how to find food in the nature and survive in summer and winter conditions, training in overcoming water obstacles, and skiing and parachute training. In accordance with the best world standards, they can effectively respond to security challenges and carry out the assigned tasks.
Constant investment in the improvement of the standard of living, equipment and training of members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade shows how much their work, commitment and sacrifices made in the defence of the homeland are valued and respected. Therefore, with their professionalism and commitment in performing tasks, members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade keep their unit worthy of the name of the decorated 72nd Special Brigade.


72nd Special Operations Brigade