Minister Vulin in „Nikinci”: Armoured fighting vehicle “Miloš” passed all tests
The Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin visited the proving ground of the Weapons and Military Equipment Testing Centre “Nikinci” where the final phase of testing of the multi-purpose armoured fighting vehicle “Miloš“ 4x4 is underway before its introduction into the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces as well as the members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade who are undergoing a training on how to use this armoured fighting vehicle.

- Our Armed Forces will be significantly strengthened by one more weapon that we produce ourselves, that we have designed and built and that we will put at the disposal of our armed forces. The Serbian Armed Forces are equipping and arming themselves, and by the end of the year, we can expect more good news and more new complex combat systems that will become a part of our armed forces and strengthen them – Minister Vulin emphasized.
A member of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade pointed out that the testing of the “Miloš” vehicle has been conducted at the proving ground of the Weapons and Military Equipment Testing Centre “Nikinci”, and that it focused on several working points including the part of the vehicle used for embarking and disembarking of staff.
- Impressions are positive and we are happy that such a vehicle will be part of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade. The vehicle is outstanding - he emphasized, adding that the members of that unit tested the vehicle driving it in off-road conditions and the gunners conducted firing in order to check sighting sets.

The proving ground was also visited by the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Major General Petar Cvetković, Commander of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan and the Head of the Development and Equipping Department, Brigadier General Milan Popović.
The “Miloš vehicle, developed and produced by “Jugoimport-SDPR” company, can be used for patrols and reconnaissance, as a command vehicle or an ambulance, for anti-guerrilla, anti-terrorist and anti-tank combat, border and territory control and transport and support of special operations units.