Safer and More Reliable Vehicles for Members of Serbian Armed Forces
Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces constantly try to provide their members with as good living and working conditions as possible, especially paying attention to their safety and security during performance of their tasks. Procurement of new terrain and motor vehicles UAZ “Patriot” raised safety of their users to a much higher level, just like the operational capabilities have been raised in the units where the vehicles were fielded.
Starting from July this year, 56 new terrain vehicles of brand UAZ make part of vehicle fleet of Serbian Armed Forces. These non-combat passenger vehicles are chiefly intended for Military Police and Army units. During procurement, attention was given to relation “price-quality”, budgetary possibilities, but most importantly to the requirements of the Serbian Armed Forces, which was not equipped with such type vehicles since 2006.
The procurement of UAZ “Patriot” automobiles, significantly increased reliability of terrain vehicles used in the Serbian Armed Forces, and safety of members of the armed forces during execution of their daily tasks. Furthermore, it helped increase the level of replenishment of the unit with terrain vehicles and significantly renewed the vehicle fleet.
The vehicles delivered to the Serbian Armed Forces are modern and their characteristics contribute to maintenance and upgrade of operational capabilities of the units which are to use them.
Top performances of the terrain vehicle UAZ “Patriot” are reflected in powerful drive aggregate (150 HP) and advanced design solutions which enable drive at maximum speed of 140 km/h, of 40 km/h on terrain with 6 to 9% slant. The vehicle possesses four-wheel drive and capacity to transport five persons.
The new vehicles of the Serbian Armed Forces are equipped with devices that increase traversability, so that they can be used off the roads. Together with drive on all four wheels it is possible to use the vehicles in slow transmission degrees. Basically, these terrain vehicles are intended for increase in movability of Serbian Armed Forces units, and apart from that, they are important for the safety of military road traffic and improvement of average age of this class of vehicles in Serbian Armed Forces units.
By the end of October this year, according to plans, eight more special UAZ vehicles will be delivered to Serbian Armed Forces, and they will be used for transport of service dogs.
The procured terrain motor vehicles UAZ “Patriot” will be fielded to battalions, companies and platoons and they will be used for military police tasks such as security protection of certain individuals and foreign military delegations, traffic escort of military columns and transport of hazardous material, control of military road traffic, traffic reconnaissance, provision of assistance to Traffic Police of the Ministry of Interior in line with law, for patrols and other Military Police activities.
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