Minister Vulin: 63rd Paratrooper Brigade capable of executing tasks any time and any where
- The 63rd Paratrooper Brigade is capable of acting in any weather conditions, at any time both day and night. Owing to decision of President and Supreme Commander of Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić to initiate projects “1,500” and “1,500+”, nowadays we have the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade equipped with the state-of-the-art assets by means of which they can be engaged at any time of day and night to execute all their tasks – said Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vuli after live tactical exercise executed by the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade on the Military Compound “Međa”.
- We have equipped ourselves, and now we are trained to be able to do it. Members of the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade are capable of delivering blows to their enemy anytime and anywhere. Wherever it is ordered and wherever it is required, they are capable to be there and execute every single task. For many years, we did not invest enough in these boys, we did not invest enough in their equipment and we were not capable of acting by night as if it were daylight. Now after all these investments, after numerous training and the training that they are conducting and those that they will certainly carry out, we are capable, and we will become even more capable to advance our capabilities and be in a position to protect our country always and in every place – the minister of defence stressed.
- The aim of this exercise was to train team members in executing surprise attack, and to train the commanders in leading and commanding their teams during execution of combat tasks and surprise attacks. Such exercise is one of more complex forms of training, especially by night, and members of the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade are being continuously trained for execution of complex tasks in all weather conditions – explained Captain First Class Janković.
The exercise was carried out in two phases – in the first phase they approached the target by means of vertical manoeuvre from helicopter, which was followed by the attack on the target and extraction, while in the second phase they approached targets by cars, which was also followed by attack and extraction.
The exercise was attended by Deputy Commander of the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade Colonel Nenad Bulatović.