Minister Vulin: Operation Storm is a crime
"The people who regard Jasenovac as a labour camp are the same people who do not regard Storm as ethnic cleansing. The government which erects monuments to terrorists and names streets after the Ustasha, cannot refrain itself from being happy that Croatia was cleansed of Serbs. Storm is a crime and no matter which Serb they pay or drag to the celebration of the extermination of Serbs, and place them next to Gotovina and other Ustasha, they will not be able to change the truth about the civil war that they provoked, about the slaughter and killing of Serbian children in refugee columns“, said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin.
“Serbia must not stop remembering and must not stop developing and growing stronger. Only if Serbia is both aware and strong, Storm and Jasenovac will not happen again”, said Minister Vulin.