Regarding the continued campaign of false news and media lynching of the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin by the Luxembourg media and the network of portals prepared for that purpose, the Ministry of Defence once again points out that the honorary pilot badge is awarded “for the contribution to the development and equipping and creating conditions for the enhancement of operational capabilities of the Air Force and Air Defence”, not for piloting, which is why it is an honorary badge, but the Luxembourg media either do not understand that or it is easier for them not to understand. Maybe that is the reason why they are forgetting to mention that in 2008, the Minister of Defence Dragan Šutanovac was awarded a gold-plated pilot badge although our Air Force and Air Defence were incomparably weaker at that time.
The Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin was awarded honorary berets and signs of membership to the unit by the members of the 63rd Parachute Brigade and 72nd Special Operations Brigade for his contribution to equipping and re-forming of the two units, and he did not have to become either a commando or a paratrooper. But at that time, the focus was on a lie spread by the Luxembourg media about the 63rd Parachute Brigade’s refusal to obey the order so the beret was lost in the sea of false news.
Thanks to persistence and authority of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, and the work of the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, our Air Force and Air Defence have never been stronger and at a higher level of operational capabilities. We have 14 MiG-29 aircraft, five most modern H-145 and four Mi35 helicopters, and unmanned combat aerial vehicles. Pilots’ salaries have been increased, new personal equipment has been procured, and hangars and runways are being refurbished, we are retraining NCOs to service aircraft. What the Luxembourg media do not want to see, everyone else sees, some are happy, some are sad, but everyone can see that the Serbian skies are defended by our own forces.