Minister Vulin: No one in B&H has even tried to find out the names of the ones who ordered and executed the attempted murder of Aleksandar Vučić in Srebrenica
“It has been five years since attempted murder of Aleksandar Vučić in Srebrenica. No one has been arrested, or convicted, no one in the Agencies of Bosnia and Herzegovina has even tried to find out the names of the ones who ordered and executed the attempted murder of Aleksandar Vučić. None of Bosniak politicians has apologised or showed regret, and they have remained quiet just like they peacefully observed the attack of the mob on Serbian Prime Minister” said today Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin.
He stressed that “on that day Vučić was brave and he did not flinch, but his hosts did not show courage, just like they did not show desire to find the ones guilty of the attempted murder”.
- A state incapable of shedding light on attempted murder of a foreign statesman in its territory is either not a state or its authorities support the attack – Minister Vulin said.