Minister Vulin: We should never mar Vidovdan by sending the Serbs to foreigners to be shot
“There is no date in the memory of the Serbs that is so dark and so bright like Vidovdan. On Vidovdan, back in 1389, the Serbs permanently defined themselves as people who do not accept slavery, and on Vidovdan 1914, Gavrilo Princip sacrificed himself for the ideal of freedom. On Vidovdan in 1921, the Serbs attempted killing their chivalrous King Aleksandar, and on Vidovdan in 2001 the Serbs extradited Slobodan Milošević, their two times elected president, to the Hague Tribunal. On Vidovdan, everything is seen the way it truly is, and there is no wisdom of hindsight that can change what the Serbs had to show for it and face the Saint on that day” said Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin today.
He wished to all the Serbs “never to mar Vidovdan again by sending the Serbs to foreigners to be shot, and never again, to spill brotherly blood, for anyone and for any reason, and never to forget that they are always and foremost the Serbs no matter where they live and which ideology they pursue”.
- On Vidovdan, one does not lie and every lie spoken haunts the one who said it for eternity, hence one “I am sorry” that somehow never manages to reach Vučić from all those who lie the eight year in a row that he would recognise Kosovo on Vidovdan, would be a sign that the Serbs have understood the true meaning of Vidovdan holiday. At least that much is owed to President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić - I am sorry - but I know that it is more likely that a lie will be repeated once again before that apology. Brothers the Serbs, may we have a happy holiday, it is Vidovdan today - stated Minister Vulin.