New uniforms for the members of the Serbian Armed Forces presented
Minister Vulin: The Serbian Armed Forces have never had a larger number of sets of uniforms in their history
The Serbian Armed Forces are being equipped, the Serbian Armed Forces are being armed, but above all, they primarily take care of all the needs of their members - said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, who attended the presentation of new uniforms for the members of the Serbian Armed Forces in the Guard Club today, together with the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović.
He points out that the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, requested that both summer boots and military shoes be introduced, and that each soldier must have at least two different sets of boots.
- That order has been executed. Each member of the Serbian Armed Forces has at least two sets of M-10 uniform, one set of M-93 uniform, at least one pair of summer boots, a pair of winter boots, a pair of shoes, and if they are a member of one of the special units, they have special sets and special uniforms - Minister Vulin emphasized, adding that the Serbian Armed Forces have no reason to feel ashamed in front of any other army, because all their members can say that they are equipped exactly as they deserve – in the best possible way.
- The technologies used are in keeping with the current trends. The achieved level of user protection - from camouflage protection to the protection from environmental influences, heat, cold and everything else needed for the provision of optimal conditions for performing tasks, is satisfactory. What we want to achieve by all the improvements that you can see and that are yet to be made is a positive result, and that is to make our users happy with the uniform and proud of it wherever they go and, most importantly, - to make them feel good in it in the physiological sense and for the uniform to be useful for its purpose - said Lieutenant Colonel Kulić.
Lieutenant Colonel Drago Kurćubić from the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces points out that for the first time, the users themselves were involved in coming up with new solutions and their experiences were drawn on while designing four new variants of uniforms for reconnaissance, commando and parachute units of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Ušljebrka from the Military Police Department points out that the new M-19 uniform, intended for the members of the Military Police, consists of 28 parts and that it also has four variants, depending on the type and conditions of the task.
- The M-19 uniform is intended for the execution of all the tasks arising from the legally defined scope of work of the military police. This uniform has a total of 28 parts in its set and it is intended for use on all terrain types and in all weather conditions. We have four variants of the same uniform here - three non-combat and one combat - said Lieutenant Colonel Ušljebrka, explaining that non-combat variants of the uniform include models for summer, winter and transition seasons, while the combat variant is combined with a set of protective equipment and weapons.
Today's presentation of the new uniforms was attended by the members of the Collegiums of the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces.


Minister Vulin's statement

The statement of Lieutenant Colonel Milan Kulić

The statement of Lieutenant Colonel Drago Kurćubić

The statement of Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Ušljebrka

The presentation of new uniforms