Minister Vulin in an interview with "Odbrana": Armed Forces that Serbia can be proud of
The June issue of "Odbrana" magazine brings an exclusive interview with the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin. Months of intensive struggle with the coronavirus epidemic are behind us. During that period the Serbian Armed Forces once again showed that in the event of a crisis of any kind, they are a stable and reliable support to their people and state. Certain preconditions were necessary for everything that the Serbian Armed Forces did during the fight against the coronavirus, and hardly any army had such complex tasks.
- The Serbian Armed Forces have shown themselves in a good light. They performed all the assigned tasks and received the first and heaviest blow; they did not leave their position. Today, all members of the armed forces can feel that the highest state leadership - from the Supreme Commander to the Minister of Defence and the Chief of the General Staff - is working in sync and thinking the same when it comes to the future of our armed forces. This gives visible results. If it weren't for the complete commitment and support of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, we wouldn't have such a budget and a general understanding of the needs of the armed forces.
Minister Vulin refers to the goals he set when he became the Minister of Defence.
- When I took on the responsibility of leading the Ministry of Defence, I said in an interview for "Odbrana" that I would do whatever it took to create equipped and satisfied armed forces. Our armed forces are better equipped, and I believe that they are more satisfied.
The facts that confirm this were also highlighted in the recent analysis of operational capabilities.
- We looked into everything that was done in the past three years. We had three increases in salaries, twice in one year, an increase in per diems, and the introduction of solidarity allowance. For the first time, we introduced insurance for all our members, provided regular payment of overtime work ... A large number of promotions to the ranks of NCOs is also evident, bureaucracy has been reduced, enlisting in the military and getting a permanent job have been made easier. We provided the possibility of free education for the children of our members. Legal norms were introduced on allocating a larger number of points for members of the families of military personnel and the children of fallen soldiers. At the initiative of the Supreme Commander, the allocation and construction of a larger number of affordable flats for members of security structures was made possible.
In addition to improving the standard of living of members of the Serbian Armed Forces, intensive work was done on equipping them, Minister Vulin points out.
- At the same time, we procured MiGs, provided their overhaul and modernization, and BRDM-2 armoured vehicles. After more than thirty years, the most modern Pantsir air defence system was introduced into the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces. We organized the procurement of unmanned aerial vehicles, five new Mi-17s, four new Mi-35 attack helicopters, five new H-145 helicopters. Radars and Cube systems were modernized, and the “Lasta” training aircraft was introduced into the armament. The most modern personal weapons and optoelectronic equipment for soldiers were also purchased within the “1500” and “1500+” projects. We also provided two sets of M10 uniforms for each member of the military, M18 summer boots and military shoes. Ballistic equipment was renewed, and polo shirts were introduced for the first time. New state-of-the-art parachutes for the 63rd Parachute Brigade and new overalls and boots for pilots were procured, as well as completely new and specially designed uniforms for the members of the 72nd Special Operations Brigade, the 63rd Parachute Brigade, the military police and scouts.
Minister Vulin emphasizes that everything he announced when he started performing his duties was fulfilled thanks to the support and understanding of the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić.
Speaking about the role of the Serbian Armed Forces during the state of emergency, about "fighting on two fronts", the Minister explicitly claims that there would be no justification before the nation and history if the Serbian Armed Forces had not been able to respond to the emergency situation and protect their country and people.
- Like in 1915, when Serbia was struck by epidemic typhus in the middle of the war, so the army had to treat both the soldiers and the people and at the same time defended the country from Austro-Hungarians, Germans and Bulgarians, this was our “Valjevo Hospital” and there could be no excuse for unpreparedness.
Speaking about the huge support of more than 140 companies and individuals that donated funds and provided support to the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces during the fight against the coronavirus, Minister Vulin points out that in difficult times, everyone shows their true face.
- Some show their best face, some show their worst - but certainly their true face. Serbs have shown how patient, mutually responsible and hardworking they can be. Before the virus, no one would have imagined that children would knock on the doors of elderly strangers and offer help ... We have restored the lost intergenerational solidarity. It is a shame that we show our best faces only in the most difficult times.
The Minister of Defence also points out the fact that the relations between our country and Russia and China have never been at a higher level of cooperation and respect, as well as the relations between the ministries of defence of those countries. This was confirmed by the timely assistance that came during the fight against the coronavirus.
- We will never forget the extent and timeliness of the help from China and Russia. Equipment, doctors, NBC experts, vehicles ... They sent to us some of the assets they needed themselves in the fight against the coronavirus. The friendship between the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Supreme Commander of the People's Liberation Army of China, Xi Jinping, and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, ranks Serbia among the closest and most important allies of those great and powerful states. Such a relationship was being destroyed for a long time, and then it was being built for a long time.
This spring, 21 years later, we are commemorating all the significant dates related to the 1999 NATO aggression. NATO aggression, the true name for everything that happened to the SFRY in 1999, was a term that no one in the Armed Forces or the Ministry of Defence was allowed to use.
- Until Aleksandar Vučić, as the first high state official, clearly stated the term after 2000. If a man or an army wants to feel self-fulfilled, they first have to have self-respect. During the years of renunciation of the best soldiers and war commanders, we lost our self-esteem, and that inevitably affected the situation in the armed forces. Such self-renunciation of the armed forces and renunciation of the glorious history, of their people, will never happen again.
Minister Vulin announced the continuation of equipping the Serbian Armed Forces, continuous training and another salary increase by the end of the year. Speaking about the world, but also about the position and security of Serbia, after the experience with the coronavirus pandemic, the Minister emphasizes that military neutrality proved to be a successful policy, which enabled us to cooperate with everyone.
- Serbia proved to be organized and ready, and its armed forces a reliable institution that will fulfil all their tasks, without exception. The coronavirus only reminded us once again that there is no justification for unpreparedness. History does not forgive weakness – the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin points out in an interview for the June issue of the "Odbrana" magazine.