A visit of Chinese doctors to Military Museum
A six-member team of medical experts from China, who are helping Serbia in the fight against the coronavirus, visited the Military Museum in Kalemegdan today. The glorious historical past of our people, the cultural and historical heritage of the Serbian army and the heroic deeds of our ancestors in the fight for freedom were presented to the team of Chinese experts.
At the beginning of the visit, the doctors were greeted by Lieutenant Colonel Miroslav Sekuloski of the Department for Tradition, Standard and Veterans, and then the Museum Advisor Dušanka Maričić presented to the members of the delegation 14 centuries of history of this area, which was influenced by different cultures and traditions.
Infectologist Prof. Lin Bingliang said that he was extremely happy to have had the opportunity to visit the Military Museum.
- Throughout its long history, the Serbian people have constantly encountered various difficulties and problems, but the strong and heroic Serbian people have always managed to persevere, win and survive in this area. My strongest impression is that the Serbian people constantly participated in wars and battles and that this could not have been avoided. I hope that there will be no more wars anywhere in the world and that there will always be peace - said Prof. Lin.
Pulmonologist and critical care specialist Dr. Tang Kejing also shared her impressions, realizing that "Serbia has faced many challenges throughout its history and participated in numerous wars."
- The Serbian people never surrender. It is a nation which always fights for freedom and never admits defeat - there is no surrender. I hope that the Serbian people will succeed in winning this war against the virus, because I know that they have great abilities - Dr. Tang Kejing pointed out and added that during today's visit she "realized that the Serbian state and the Serbian people are extremely strong."
Chinese experts have learned more about the periods from the settlement of Slavs in the Balkans and the creation of the first South Slavic medieval states to the latest wars during the 1990s, and the design, architecture and artistic quality of the museum's permanent exhibition attracted a lot of attention.
They showed interest in various weapons, military clothing and uniforms, a large number of flags and decorations, as well as photographs and works of art, which gave them insight not only into national history and culture but also into various achievements of civilization and their mutual influences.