Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The meeting of Minister Vulin with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Botsan-Kharchenko

The Minister of Defence met today with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgrade, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko. The topics discussed were the current fight against the coronavirus, the suppression of the epidemic and the cooperation of the two armed forces.

Minister Vulin conveyed the gratitude of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, who had made a decision to send expert teams and medical aid from Russia to prevent further spread of the coronavirus and suppress the disease, thus confirming the solidarity of the Russian Federation in these difficult times for both countries.

Minister Vulin expressed special gratitude to the Minister of Defence, Sergey Shoygu, for his personal engagement and efforts to deliver medical aid and send expert teams of the Russian Armed Forces to help Serbia suppress and stop the epidemic.

The interlocutors agreed that the Russian and Serbian teams of CBRN units, as well as the Russian team of medical experts, together managed to put the epidemic under control in the largest hot spots in our country in a short time.

Minister Vulin said that Serbia had received with great honour the invitation for the Serbian Armed Forces to participate in the military parade on Red Square in Moscow on 9th May, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II, but unfortunately the grand parade will not be held due to the current pandemic. He expressed his belief that, when the conditions are met, the parade will be held and the members of the Serbian Armed Forces will participate and be in the line of winners again.

Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko emphasized the excellent cooperation between the two ministries of defence and the two armed forces so far in the military-military, military-technical, military-educational and military-economic field. He said that the cooperation in the field of defence is at a historic high.

It was emphasized at the meeting that military-technical cooperation will continue as planned, and that cooperation in the field of defence will be continued by holding exercises that have so far shown a high level of professionalism and excellent training, as well as demonstration of friendly relations in the field.

mp4 (36,66 MB)
The meeting