Video conference of the Serbian and Russian medical teams
Representatives of the military and civilian health care institutions in the Republic of Serbia and the members of the medical team of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation engaged in preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection in our country have spoken today via video link to the members of Russian medical teams engaged in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Italy.
The topics of today’s discussion were experiences and impressions while preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection, as well as mutual cooperation.
General Dragan Dinčić thanked the representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for coming to assist Serbia in these difficult times.
- Assistance in the epidemiological sense and the assistance in the disinfection of numerous facilities are very important to us. Since they arrived in Serbia 18 days ago, Russian expert teams have disinfected half a million square meters of areas in our country, about 65 different facilities, most of them Covid hospitals. I emphasize that today's video conference with professors of the Military Medical Academy in Saint Petersburg, representatives of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade and colleagues from civilian health care system, primarily from the Clinic for Infectious Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Serbia and the “Batut” Institute, significantly helped to resolve many issues, because our opinions about a number of expert questions matched, but there were also some dilemmas - General Dinčić pointed out.
- Doctors participated in making diagnosis and the treatment of patients in the most difficult stage, who are on respirators, and epidemiologists participated in the introduction of anti-epidemic measures in Covid hospitals. I am convinced that their knowledge was useful. Based on the situation in the field, we made decisions about the extent and order of disinfection according to the degree of urgency. I would also like to point out that the cooperation with the medical staff was "in the same language" and that we had fruitful cooperation - said Colonel Aminyev.
Assistant Professor Ksenija Bojović, an infectologist at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Serbia, expressed her great pleasure at attending today's video conference.
In April, Russian medical teams in Serbia conducted an analysis of the epidemiological situation and consulted with their Serbian colleagues for detailed information about the health situation, and then provided medical assistance to coronavirus patients. They made 103 visits, gave their expert opinion, and often helped our doctors with their work. The Russian military experts were divided into eight medical teams, and each team had a general practitioner, an epidemiologist, an anaesthesiologist, a medical technician and an interpreter.