Congratulatory message of the Minister of Defence on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day
I congratulate the 23rd April – the Serbian Armed Forces Day to all their members.
Serbian Armed Forces Day is of a particular importance in the national history and it represents a lasting source and inspiration to both the Serbian people and our military. A historical and traditional link in the creation and building of the modern Serbian state and the armed forces is a definite confirmation of new cultural and traditional values.
The greatest value of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces is in their knowledge, a high level of training and competence for work, dignified conduct in the military profession, enviable combat experience and unwavering determination to protect and defend the homeland and all its citizens at all costs.
By successfully engaging the resources in the merciless war against the invisible enemy which has been attacking our country for the past few months, you have contributed to the affirmation and strengthening of the reputation of the Serbian Armed Forces.
I am certain that we will win another victory together and that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces are ready now, and will be ready in the coming period to respond professionally to all the challenges. I congratulate you on the greatest military holiday.