Letter from the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China: The Chinese army perceives your fight against the epidemic as its own
The Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, General Zhang Youxia sent a letter of support to the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin wishing for Serbia and the Serbian people to defeat the epidemic as soon as possible!

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, under the leadership of President Xi Jinping and feeling great responsibility to the Chinese people and the international community, China has taken comprehensive, strict and thorough measures to prevent and control the epidemic, General Youxia wrote in the letter and encouraged Serbia by saying that after a difficult period and with much effort, the situation with the epidemic in China continues to improve, life is slowly returning to normal, production is starting, which are all results of the prevention measures taken. "The Chinese government, Chinese people and Chinese army are still fighting to win this battle against the epidemic completely."
General Youxia points to the fact that the virus is a common enemy of mankind, which knows no borders.
"In the face of this great challenge, no country should only think about itself, but all countries need to work together towards a common goal and defeat the epidemic together. China has always adhered to the concept that mankind is a community formed by destiny. China has an open, transparent and responsible attitude, and by regularly publishing epidemic data and sharing its experiences about the prevention and treatment, it gives support to the whole world in the fight against the epidemic, and provides assistance and support to the countries concerned, thus contributing to stopping the spread of the epidemic in the world,” General Youxia says, and cites the saying that “A friend in need is a friend indeed”.
"President Xi Jinping sent a letter of support to President Vučić, and the Chinese side has sent a team of medical experts to help Serbia fight the epidemic. The Chinese army perceives your fight against the epidemic as its own, and will do everything in its power to help and share its experience in fighting the epidemic. Together we will defeat the epidemic!” says General Youxia.
"I am ready to implement with your Excellency the agreements reached by the leaders of our two countries, to provide mutual assistance, to overcome this difficult period and to defeat the epidemic together, to continue to deepen military cooperation between our two countries and to contribute to the strengthening of traditional friendship and strategic partnership between China and Serbia," said the Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China, General Zhang Youxia, in a letter of support sent to the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin.


General Youxia’s visit to the Republic of Serbia, September 2019