Message from the Chief of the General Staff to members of the Serbian Armed Forces
Since a state of emergency was declared on the territory of the Republic of Serbia in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 viral infection, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have been engaged in numerous tasks of assisting civilian authorities. In addition to creating conditions for medical treatment of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, members of the Serbian Armed Forces have an obligation to protect their own health and the health of their families, but also to carry out regular tasks in their units.
There is still a lot that is unknown about this viral disease, but what we do know is that it poses a great threat and can potentially endanger the security of our people and the state.
The members of the Serbian Armed Forces, as a pillar of the society’s security, are obliged to respond to this challenge, regardless of the high risk. The Serbian Armed Forces have the strength and capacity, the best possible organization, courageous and brave people who have never spared themselves when fighting for a higher cause. In this sense, the mental preparedness of our members to accomplish the assigned tasks is crucial.
Our people are used to seeking support in their military in times of greatest crises. All eyes will be on the soldier, and his attitude will give people strength to persevere in this fight.
The great responsibility and obligation in this situation is especially pronounced with the command staff, especially the commanders of basic units. This is a time when discipline and the ability to endure hardships are crucial in overcoming this disease. Do not be afraid of losses, there will be losses, but with our engagement the losses will not be in vain.
The members of the Serbian Armed Forces must not be a source of spreading fear and panic, but must demonstrate confidence, stability and determination at all times with their personal example, expertise and ability to lead assigned personnel.
Share that strength with your colleagues, your families, your friends, your neighbours. Be the embodiment of the attitude that there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome and accepted. Be like your ancestors, do everything for your country and the generations to come.
We can only protect our Serbia and our children if we are brave, disciplined and self-sacrificing.
Long live the Serbian Armed Forces! Long live Serbia!
Milan Mojsilović