The Serbian Armed Forces are a firm support to their state and all the citizens in the fight against the coronavirus
Regarding the announcement of the Serbian Military Union, in which they make completely false and unfounded allegations about the situation in the Serbian Armed Forces regarding the undertaken protective measures against the coronavirus, with the view of truthfully informing the public, we emphasize that the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces have taken all necessary measures to protect their members.
The Ministry of Defence and the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces have sent binding guidelines issued by the Serbian Government to all organizational units during the state of emergency and a number of decisions and orders to be taken in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection.
We also emphasize that conditions have been created for the implementation of prescribed measures, so that all members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces are best protected from possible infection.
Sufficient quantities of protective aids and equipment have been provided, especially for those members who, due to their duties in the field, come into contact with other persons.
All employees whose jobs allow them to work from home are allowed to do so, and it especially applies to vulnerable persons with chronic diseases, pregnant women and persons over the age of 60, as well as for parents of children under the age of 12 or children with special needs.
All members are familiar with the prevention measures and initial symptoms of the infection in order to contact the doctor on time.
Phone numbers of health services and psychological support services were also provided.
Detailed measures have been prescribed and conditions have been created for the members to adhere to these measures while on assignments, such as entry and exit controls, hand disinfection on entry, conditions for holding official meetings and the like.
All of the above and other measures taken under the state of emergency confirm that the Serbian Armed Forces work in an organized manner, activities are carried out according to plan, taking care of people, so that the Serbian Armed Forces can maintain their readiness to complete all the tasks received in these conditions.
The Serbian Armed Forces are absolutely ready for this, so malicious misinformation of the Military Union will not deter the members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces from being a firm support to their country and all the citizens of Serbia in the most difficult situations.