With regard to false news published today in Podgorica’s “Pobjeda” tabloid with obvious malicious intent, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia announces the following:
Zoran Stojanov is a jurist, a civilian employed by the Military Film Centre “Zastava Film”, the institution within the Public Relations Department. His name is listed on the website of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia in the “MoD Information Sheet” which states: “Zoran Stojanov, civilian, Bachelor of Law, authorized to handle requests for access to information from the jurisdiction of the Public Relations Department", which was evidently used in the tabloid’s article.
Zoran Stojanov will sue "Pobjeda" tabloid to the competent court for defamatory attacks on his reputation and honour as well as endangering his security.
The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia expects the competent state authorities of Montenegro to initiate proceedings ex officio against the “Pobjeda” tabloid for spreading false news.