Minister Vulin: Vučić is the only one who should be given credit for the assistance to Krušik and the Serbian defence industry
- The president of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces Aleksandar Vučić went to “Krušik” to help and face the problems. “Krušik is under severe attack. “Operation ‘Krušik’ went on for months – an operation whose goal was to portray the defence industry as a hot spot of crime which should be closed down. President Vučić did not go there for a visit yesterday, he did not take a tour of the factory, and he did not even enter new plants. He was only interested in the workers and the situation the company is in, said the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin in the morning programme on “Pink” television, commenting on the President’s visit to “Krušik” factory.
He pointed out that “Aleksandar Vučić is the only one who should be given credit for all the help that will be provided and that is necessary for “Krušik” to keep its 3,000 jobs and its production capability”.
- There was a lack of understanding in the Government and a number of ministries. Many thought that there was no reason for the state to get involved in this. Aleksandar Vučić summoned all of us, all the relevant ministers and said – “Krušik” has to operate better and we will help it do so. Everyone should know that this was exclusively thanks to Aleksandar Vučić, because he brought together the entire Government and made us provide the necessary amount of money, each from their own department, so that “Krušik” could continue to work, the Minister of Defence pointed out.
According to him, the Serbian Armed Forces will help by spending a billion dinars on purchasing the necessary ammunition.
- It is one billion dinars that we do not have in the budget, but we will get it from free funds. President Vučić is demanding that both the Government and the Ministry of Finance provide the Serbian Armed Forces with the money for the purchase of the necessary ammunition. The purchase will include all that is necessary because we haven’t restocked ammunition supplies for 30 years. What we are going to buy for a billion dinars will cost us half as much as buying from a foreign company. President Vučić is well aware of this, both as the Supreme Commander and the President of the Republic, which is the reason for his attitude towards Serbia's defence industry. The defence industry was supposed to be phased out in 2012. In 2012, our defence industry was abandoned without a single dinar of help. We now have a defence industry that is making money, but the state is constantly helping it. While President Vučić was the Prime Minister, in difficult times, even more difficult than today, he provided 50 million euro grants to the defence industry – for direct investment only. This boosted the defence industry considerably and now a new wave is starting. If our president did not understand this, the defence industry would be held hostage by various ministers, each with his or her own priorities. He understands what Serbian defence industry is, he knows how much it means to our country’s and our armed forces’ defence, capability and power, and he behaves in accordance with that – Minister Vulin said, adding that all the employees of the Serbian defence industry, more than 11,000 of them and as many subcontractors, should know that Serbian defence industry is one of the priorities of President Vučić and our country.
President Vučić told the workers that they have no reason to worry for themselves and their families, for their salaries or their jobs, but that they have to work harder and that the management has the greatest responsibility, not only to provide work, but also to reduce costs, to do what a management is supposed to do, to spend the money wisely – that is their responsibility, Minister Vulin pointed out.
He stressed that the defence industry has a reason to be optimistic, but that it must work.
- When you have such Supreme Commander who works so hard for Serbian defence industry, you have a reason to be optimistic, you have a reason to be proud, but also to be responsible and do your best – the Minister of Defence concluded.