A congratulatory message of the Minister of Defence on the occasion of the International Women’s Day
I wish all the female members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces a happy 8th March – International Women’s Day.
Dear ladies,
Walking proudly in the footsteps of the women who began the fight for equality more than a century ago, and enjoying the status that you have today in the society and all the spheres of business and public life in general, you prove that their fight was not in vain.
Standing side by side with your male counterparts in the society today, and sometimes even being a step ahead of them, you show that you are worthy successors and guardians of this tradition of fighting with special fervour which must never cease.
I would like that the number of you, respected and successful ladies among us increases, and that you are pleased with the attention and respect that we show you.
I wish you a happy Women’s Day!