Minister Vulin: No one should worry about us equipping the armed forces for defence tasks
- Serbia is a free country and no one should worry about us equipping the armed forces for defence tasks. Being a military neutral country, it is Serbia’s duty to be prepared and capable of protecting itself and the Serbs no matter where they live. There is no reason why any sanctions should be imposed on Serbia and I am certain that no country which respects international law and Serbia's right to independently decide on its equipping and armament would do so – said Minister Aleksandar Vulin today.
- Serbia is not a colony and as long as it is led by Aleksandar Vučić, it will make its own decisions on strengthening and equipping its military. Serbia itself will decide which friendly countries it will procure equipment and weapons from. The stronger the Serbian Armed Forces, the longer the peace in the Balkans will last – said Minister Vulin.